Ace Of Spades by Shooter3704

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Ace Of Spades


Ace Of Spades


It was my senior year at college. I had enough credits to get my degree so I was just coasting and just enjoying my final year. The letters from you had slowed to a stop and I was resigned to the fact that you were not coming back.

I spent a lot of my time at The Rocket. The Rocket was a newer pub that was close to campus and they weren't too picky about proper ID. Students could drink beer without a hassle. I was always pretty good shooting pool and I got even better at The Rocket. Good enough to pick up some extra money from the suckers that thought a girl couldn't shoot a good game of pool.

One afternoon I was shooting a solo game just polishing my skills when a couple of black dudes came in the pub. It was obvious that they weren't students. The two men watched me shoot for a while and of course I missed a lot of shots on purpose to see if they would take the bait. One did.

"Want to shoot a game," the larger of the two asked me.

"Sure, why not?"

"Want to make it interesting?"

"Maybe," I answered. "What did you have in mind?"

"I have a twenty dollar bill against your ten that I win," he said. During the first game I found out his name was Leon and that his friend was called Rat. I won a couple games and got overconfident.

Leon led me right down the primrose path. I didn't know that I was being hustled instead of doing the hustling until I was over two hundred dollars in debt. Two hundred bucks I didn't have.

"Tell you what I'll do," Leon said. "Let's play one last game. You play it and if you win, we're even." By that time it was late and there were only about five or six diehard drinkers and the staff left in The Rocket.

"What if you win?" I asked. I didn't have a lot of confidence left after being beaten so badly.

"You, me, and Rat go somewhere quiet and have a lick-it and stick-it party," Leon answered with a grin. I was fairly sure I knew what a lick-it and stick-it party was, but I asked anyway.

"You know," he said with a wider grin. "You lick it and we stick it." He got a bit more graphic with what would happen to me. I hesitated while thinking of my options.

There were several elements to the situation. One was the fact I did not have two hundred dollars and no prospects of getting it until my next student loan payment came in. Leon didn't appear to be a man willing to wait. Another element was the challenge of the game. I always loved a challenge. I was shooting pretty well so there was a chance I would come out the winner and wipe out the debt.

I guess it was the third element that intrigued me the most. There was something electric about Leon. Something extremely sexy. He was older, big, strong looking, smooth and most of all he was black.

I had been with a lot of men but none of them had been black. It wasn't race prejudice because I wasn't racially bias. The simple truth of the matter was, like most women, I had fantasized about sex with a black man. Leon was pushing my buttons.

"I'll sweeten the deal," Leon said when I didn't respond right away. "You play the game topless and if you win, I'll give you two hundred dollars and wipe out what you already owe me."

"Topless? Are you kidding?" I asked. "Why topless for pity sakes?"

"I've been looking at your tits all night and you have a great rack. Be nice to see them while you shoot a game of eight ball. Rat and me love to see big ol' white titties swinging free and wild, don't we Rat?"

Since there weren't many people left in the pub and none of them were paying us any attention I took my shirt and bra off and chalked my cue stick. I told Leon to rack 'em.

"Damn, girl," Leon said racking the balls. Your knockers are even better looking than I thought they would be. Nice, ain't they, Rat?"

"Mighty damned nice," Rat said coming closer to the table to see me better. "I do like big old fat white tits. Look at them nipples, Leon. You ever seen a bigger pair of nips?" A couple of late drinkers came over to look at me until a mean glare from Leon sent them back across the pub.

"Only once," Leon said giving my nipples a close scrutiny. "I had a Korean gal working for me a few years ago that had nipples that were an inch and three quarters long. She said her mother used stretchers on them to make them long."

Leon insisted I break and I did and I got one other shot and then Leon ran the table. Bang, bang, bang and it was over.

"Let's go, girl," Leon said gathering up my shirt and bra. He handed them to Rat and he took my arm and walked me bare breasted out of the pun and down the street to his car. The few people left knew I was going to be fucked.